Battling Plaque Psoriasis in Everyday Life

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Chronic plaque psoriasis is not a condition that only takes its toll on your skin but also on your overall health and mood.  Psoriasis is beyond inflammation and irritation. So here are a few tips to manage the symptoms psoriasis and the impact they have on your everyday life.

Itch of Psoriasis

One of the most bothersome aspects of coping with psoriasis is the chronic itchiness that comes with it that is often akin to a burning sensation. Some people with psoriasis complain about the itching the most since scratching is never an option, and it can be maddening.

One of the best ways to relieve the itch of psoriasis is to ask your doctor for a medicated moisturizer or a moisturizing ointment that you can apply every day right after taking a shower to get the best results.

There are more advanced treatments that your doctor can recommend or prescribe if your case is a severe one.

Professional and Emotional Support

Some people with psoriasis get guidance from a qualified professional to avoid the pitfalls of the disease to prevent flare-ups and severe symptoms, like naturopathic doctors. Psoriasis affects about 8 million Americans, so you are not alone, which means even if you do not have family members and friends who can provide you with emotional and psychological support, there are online support groups as well as well actual local support groups. You can check out the groups in your city at National Psoriasis Foundation’s website.

Keep Your Mood in Check

Psoriasis has been linked with some psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety. While many experts suggest this is the result of the difficult nature of the disease, no one has ruled out the possibility that psoriasis may directly cause these conditions. So it is imperative to talk to your doctor if you find that you experience symptoms of depression like hopelessness, sadness, and emptiness or symptoms of stress and anxiety like fear, feeling uneasy, and trouble sleeping.

If there is an underlying psychological related or unrelated to psoriasis, you must begin treatment for it as soon as possible to more severe and serious conditions. Also, stress and anxiety trigger flare-ups and worsen the symptoms of psoriasis. Stress-relief through regular exercise, breathing exercises, and meditation is recommended for people with psoriasis.

Keep in Contact with Your Dermatologist

Having a dermatologist that you trust should be something you seek if you already don’t have one. In addition to traditional medicinal psoriasis treatments, a dermatologist can not only offer you more options in terms of treatment, but they can also guide you through your concerns if you build rapport with them.

Living and coping with psoriasis is a difficult feat and journey, but with the right aids and treatments, psoriasis does not need to take over your life.

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