6 Tips That Make Living with Psoriasis Easier

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Psoriasis can be a very frustrating condition to cope with, considering the constant pain and itchiness it causes. The autoimmune disease not only inflames your skin, causing it to scale and itch, but it often has an overall impact on people’s everyday life.

Thankfully, there are many traditional treatment options to manage the symptoms of all types of psoriasis. Furthermore, there are also things you can do to complement your treatments to alleviate your condition, reduce inflammation, irritation, and itching.

  1. Moisturize

Most people with psoriasis experience dry skin, which make the irritation and itching of their psoriasis lesions worse.

So moisturizing after taking a shower with rich moisturizers, such as petroleum jelly, is highly recommended. Combined with your medical treatment, regular use of an effective moisturizing ointment or moisturizer can make all the difference.

  1. Eat Healthy

Even though there is no psoriasis diet as there are yet no studies that back up the theory that certain foods and diets fight psoriasis, most people with psoriasis still find much relief by modifying their diet to avoid inflammatory foods and consume foods that have been proven to lower inflammation.

For instance, processed and fried foods, sugary foods, fatty meats, and nightshade vegetables like potatoes and tomatoes have been shown to trigger inflammation. On the other hand, eating more cruciferous vegetables and fruits that are rich in Vitamin A, C, and D, as well as fatty fish and legumes that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, lessen inflammation.

  1. Quit Smoking and Drink Less

Smoking is detrimental to your health on many levels, but it is also a psoriasis trigger, causes inflammation, and may even lessen the effectiveness of certain psoriasis treatments. Too much alcohol intake similarly may impede the remission process while you are on treatment and can make the psoriasis symptoms more intense.

  1. De-stress

Unfortunately, too much stress contributes to a higher rate of flare-ups and more severe symptoms. Having a good support system and avoiding stressful situations is vital. Breathing exercises, meditation, and regular exercise also relieve stress and are mood enhancers. Take a moment to yourself to decompress; take a warm bath, which also improves dryness and scaling.  

  1. Exercise

Regular exercise is imperative regarding relieving stress for people with psoriasis, but that is not the only reason. Since individuals who have psoriasis have an increased risk of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes, experts recommend 20-30 minutes of moderate exercise 3-5 per week to lower their risks of further health complications.

  1. Be Consistent with Your Plan and Treatment

Following the treatment you have made and probably continuously modify along the way is the most vital aspect of your treatment. Even when your condition betters and you feel much better, you must continue with your treatment and follow your doctor’s instructions.

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