Scalp Psoriasis: What is it?

Scalp psoriasis is a common and uncomfortable condition that will cause reddish patches on parts or all of one’s scalp. Like other forms of psoriasis, the exact cause of scalp psoriasis is not known, but it is believed to be caused by an abnormally in the immune system that makes skin cells grow at a rapid pace, resulting in the reddish and whitish patches. Those whose family has a history of psoriasis are more likely to contract scalp psoriasis. Like anything else, the conditions of the disease differ from case to care.

Symptoms of Scalp Psoriasis

A more mild case of scalp psoriasis can often go unnoticed as only small parts of the skin will have slight scaling.

Those who suffer from a more severe case of the condition will notice it, and it affects everyday life, sometimes dramatically. The reddish plaques of skin can clump and become very noticeable to people; the scalp psoriasis can be extremely embarrassing and can cause low self-esteem for the carrier, especially because of the dandruff-like flakes that will fall from the scalp and make way onto clothing and other personal items. But apart from the aesthetics, the red and white scaly skin can cause severe itching and extreme discomfort. The itching feeling coming from the scalp will not be pleasant and will keep the carrier very occupied as he or she scratches at it.

Everyday activities such as sleeping, studying or even eating can take on more difficulty if the itch from scalp psoriasis is persistent. Severe lesions force intense scratching and an overall rough treatment of the scalp, along with stress brought on from the condition. Lesions can also cause temporary hair loss until the condition clears. Scalp psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis are often mistaken, as it is difficult to differentiate between the two. Psoriasis of the scalp often produces thicker scales and is much more persistent and more difficult to treat than seborrheic dermatitis.

Treatment of Scalp Psoriasis

The most common defense of scalp psoriasis is topical treatment that includes shampoos, gels, oils and other ointments that help the condition. While some treatment available can be over-the-counter, most will be prescribed by a dermatologist. In order for results to happen, one must thoroughly apply the topical treatment to the affected areas of the scalp. Lazily applying topical shampoos or gels onto the hair without reaching the scalp will have no influence on the psoriasis. So when applying treatment, center your attention away from the hair and more on the scalp.

The process of treatment varies from person to person, but one must follow the orders of his or her dermatologist when treating the condition in order for the lesions to start dissipating. This can take up to eight weeks or so. Once the condition clears from treatment, one can continue to shampoo their hair daily or at least twice a week, using medications that help to prevent reoccurrence of the condition. While scalp psoriasis is no fun, treatments can contain it, meaning it doesn’t have to be a devastating condition if you happen to have it.

Featured Image: depositphotos/AndreyPopov